
§1 – Leader in France

ærige is a leading law firm in France that specialises in employment law and employer defence.

For more than 20 years, ærige has provided its clients (businesses, private associations and public institutions) with bespoke legal services based on in-depth analysis of their needs, in the form of solutions that are innovative and pragmatic, but that also provide legal certainty.



æriger (transitive verb), from the Latin ærigere, meaning to build, construct or raise: building high-performance strategies, constructing solid defences and raising clients’ levels of expertise through made-to-measure training courses.

§2 – tout le droit du travail


ærige : the whole of employment law and nothing but employment law



Nos 6 pôles de spécialité

Our six practice areas of expertise

Our specialised employment lawyers provide expert services in each of the firm’s six practice areas and ensure that the optimal team is chosen on the basis of each engagement’s specific requirements:

    1. Occupational health
    2. Compensation and benefits
    3. Public law and civil service law
    4. International mobility
    5. Criminal labour law
    6. Employment law compliance

Our six practice areas of expertise

Our specialised employment lawyers provide expert services in each of the firm’s six practice areas and ensure that the optimal team is chosen on the basis of each engagement’s specific requirements:

    1. Occupational health
    2. Compensation and benefits
    3. Public law and civil service law
    4. International mobility
    5. Criminal labour law
    6. Employment law compliance

§4 – Classements & distinctions – DESKTOP

Rankings and awards

Legal 500

The Legal 500: ærige’s employment law services are highly ranked by this leading legal directory.

ærige provides “high quality work: the lawyers respond very quickly and propose inventive solutions in the clients’ interest. ærige advises major French groups that are specialised in numerous sectors, including sales and luxury goods, as well as leading international groups.

The firm manages strategic restructuring projects and sensitive matters such as Sunday work, collective bargaining and dispute management, and participates in merger and acquisition projects.”


§4 – Classements & distinctions – MOBILE

Rankings and awards


Benchmark rating

  • Restructurings, mass layoffs and associated litigation
  • Individual and high-risk litigation
  • Collective bargaining and labour relations
  • Employment law compliance

Excellent rating

  • Social security
  • Assistance with employment aspects of M&A and due diligence reviews
  • Collective and individual remuneration
  • Supplementary social security cover


The Legal 500: ærige’s employment law services are highly ranked by this leading legal directory..
ærige provides “high quality work: the lawyers respond very quickly and propose inventive solutions in the clients’ interest. ærige advises major French groups that are specialised in numerous sectors, including sales and luxury goods, as well as leading international groups.
The firm manages strategic restructuring projects and sensitive matters such as Sunday work, collective bargaining and dispute management, and participates in merger and acquisition projects.”

Europ Chambers

Les avocats d’ærige nommés dans le classement Chambers European Labour Law Rankings.

Trophée du droit

ærige’s lawyers received awards during the recent Trophées du droit ceremony

Gold award: collective bargaining
Silver award: workplace litigation

Le Point

ærige was awarded the “Best Law Firm” prize by Le Point and Statista.

§5 – Actualités

Latest news
