- The CSE’s resources
- Managing CSE meetings
The CSE’s powers and responsibilities: managing the members’ prerogatives
- The CSE’s powers and responsibilities according to the size of the company’s workforce
- Know how to tell the difference between the obligation to inform and the obligation to consult
xtraordinary procedures: know how to react and how to make the right decisions
- The CSE’s right to obtain expert assistance
- Ways in which the CSE can sound the alarm
Why you need this training:
- In-depth analysis of the latest case law and trends
- Real-world advice on complying with legal obligations, mitigating the risk of litigation and coordinating actions
- Interactive sessions with your trainer
Satisfaction score for this training: 4.5/5
The programme:
- The reality: increasing human, legal and financial challenges
- Mental health: definitions and concepts (stress, emotional harassment, burn-out, psychosocial risk factors, etc.)
- Legal obligations (best efforts/absolute)
- The impact of the Occupational Health Act on current obligations and practices
- The strain on management caused by specialised fora and courts: procedures, judicial practices and financial impacts.
- Strategies for optimising obligations: the essential tools needed to manage and coordinate procedures and actions
- Analysis of best practices
Satisfaction score for this training: 5/5
Become proficient in all the employer’s obligations in connection with determining fitness for duty and potential dismissal procedures
The various ways in which employees can be found to be unfit for duty Determine the cause of an employee’s unfitness for duty
Call the Doctor! Ensuring quality relations with the occupational physician
How can an employee be reassigned to another position? Should an employee be reassigned? The impact of the various recommendations
Employee rights What are these rights? Notice periods, indemnities and specific situations
Managing the risk of litigation Unfitness for duty and emotional harassment
___ Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants). Possibility of face-to-face training: maximum of 8 persons (state in the email if you are interested)Satisfaction score for this training: no scores in 2023
Incorporating employment law into day-to-day management
Employment contract lifecycle: The employment contract from signature, through performance, to termination.Working time: The difference between working time, working hours and break times. Maximum working times and mandatory breaks. Organise and manage employee absences (paid leave and sick leave)
Disciplinary procedure: from initiation to disciplinary action
Employee representative bodies: who does what?
Ascertaining the main powers and responsibilities of the employee representatives and the labour inspectorate
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 4.5/5
A focus on main french employment law rules
Individual labour relations :
Analyse the differents steps of an employment contract
Manage the employer / employee relationship
Dealing with the end of employment contract questions
Collective labour relations :
Staff representatives
Litigations and sanctions in french employment law
Tarif : 400 €HT / personnes (pour une formation réunissant 5 participants a minima).
Note de satisfaction attribuée à cette formation : pas d’évaluation en 2023
Mitigate the risk of emotional harassment, learn to distinguish between emotional harassment and psychosocial risk factors, address occurrences of emotional harassment
What is emotional harassment?
Statutory definition, illustrations from case law, employer liability
The procedures to be implemented
Determining the in-house procedures for risk mitigation and addressing occurrences
Who does what?
Powers and responsibilities of managers, HR and employee representatives Definition of the role of the occupational physician and the labour inspectorate
Comprehensive real-world case study and recommendations on types of approach
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 5/5
From professional incompetence to misconduct: become proficient in the various dismissal grounds and procedures
What are the various types of misconduct? What are their degrees of severity?
Prepare the dismissal case, anticipate the risks
Identify the evidence that is needed in order to mitigate the termination-related risks and assess the potential for a dispute and/or litigation
Procedural guide: from initiation to disciplinary action
How to implement a dismissal procedure successfully and become proficient in the applicable procedures for taking and recording disciplinary action
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 4/5
The extent of managers’ criminal liability and that of their delegatees
Situations in which a manager’s criminal liability can be triggered and the main areas in which powers of attorney are used:
Working time
Undeclared employment
Health and safety
Employee rights obstruction
The conditions and effects of a power of attorney
How to draft an effective power of attorney in a company and in a group
Criminal proceedings: what is involved?
Explanations of the main stages
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
atisfaction score for this training: no scores in 2023
Employment tribunal proceedings, from the writ to the deliberation: how to manage each stage
How does an employment tribunal work?
Les différentes étapes de la procédure prud’homale depuis la réforme du 20 mai 2016
The lines of reasoning and the evidence in the major areas of litigation: dismissal, harassment, overtime, etc.
How to manage a case when working with a lawyer
Advice on risk mitigation and facilitating the management of employment tribunal cases with your lawyer
What about settling?
Explanations and modus operandi for various ways in which negotiations can be used, such as conciliation and settlements
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 4.5/5
The separate roles of each of the stakeholders: union delegates, staff representatives, works council, health, safety and working conditions committee
Trade unions and their representatives
The various elected employee representative bodies
The staff representatives and the single employee representative body
The works council: the difference between information and consultation
The central works council
The health, safety and working conditions committee
What resources are available to employee representatives?
Premises, time credits, bulleting boards, tracts, budgets, outside assistance, etc.
What about the risks?
Legal action, obstruction of employee representatives’ rights, discrimination
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 5/5
From the negotiation of the pre-election protocol to the calculation of the unions’ representational capacity, how to manage all the stages of the electoral process
Negotiating an effective pre-election protocol using the correct calculation of workforce numbers and the correct location of the various employee representative bodies (in the event of multiple establishments)
From the election campaigns to the vote count: managing all the stages
Postal and electronic votes
Announcing the results and audience measurement
The powers of the labour inspectorate and the role of the courts
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 4/5
Understand the impacts of the GDPR on human resources
The contents of the GDPR
The philosophy, the legal framework and the key issues
The concepts associated with GDPR
Privacy by design, privacy by default and registers of processing operations
Aligning HR policy with GDPR requirements
Setting up a register of processing operations
The DPO’s roles, assignments and protection
How to deal with data loss
CNIL infringements: what are the penalties?
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 5/5
Learn how to build an agreement and ensure the legal validity of its conditions
Determine the stakeholders in the collective bargaining process
Prepare the negotiations: strategy, tools and approach to concessions
Under which conditions?
The main clauses and central themes of the negotiations (with focus on mandatory bargaining)
Key aspects
Successful bargaining, majority rules, referendum, registration, revision, denunciation and renegotiation
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 5/5
Identifying working time law and duration as a tool for organising a company efficiently
Working time
Definition of working time and explanation of related concepts (break time, commuting time, work attire and on-call shifts)
Night work and work on Sundays
How to track, calculate and pay overtime (overtime cycles, annual overtime calculation and alternative work schedules)
Working time quotas expressed in hours or days
The time savings account
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 4.5/5
Issues raised by a new way of working
What is WFH?
Explanation of the legal definition
How can this type of work organisation be managed?
Presentation of the various methods and patterns for WFH
What about company-level agreements in all of this?
Whether or not it is appropriate to negotiate a company-level agreement
Focus on organisation
What are the impacts on the contents of the employment contract in terms of working time and the workplace, for example?
Health and safety for WFH employees
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 5/5
Understand the stages in implementing a mass layoff or voluntary redundancy scheme
How a dismissal on economic grounds is defined
The rationale for the dismissals and the legal framework, which is determined by the extent of the project
Everything you need to know about redeployment
Understanding how the redeployment obligation applies in the company or group
Voluntary redundancy schemes and alternative measures for a reduction in force
The mass layoff scheme
A combination of a company-level agreement and a unilateral decision by the employer
Review by the labour administration
The risks
Presentation of the risks of administrative and employment tribunal litigation
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 5/5
Limiting the impacts and handling a strike effectively
The right to strike
The legal framework, the challenges and the restrictions on the right to strike
Non-striking employees and employees with fixed-term contracts, temporary workers and loans of manpower
How to ensure company security
Minimum service for safety reasons and lock-out
Judicial remedies
Injunctions and interlocutory proceedings
How to punish abuses of the right to strike
The concept of wilful misconduct: what are the risks?
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants)
Satisfaction score for this training: 5/5
- Understand and ascertain the various challenges involved in supplementary social security cover;
- Comply with obligations in order to benefit from exclusion from the basis of assessment for social charges
- Understand how the French social security authorities approach the issue.
- A complex, multi-faceted subject
- The specificities of a tripartite relationship: the employer, the insurer and the employee
- Application of exclusions from the basis of assessment of social security contributions
- Tax deductibility for the employee
- Differences between death and disability benefits, and supplementary pensions
- Form of the scheme: unilateral decision by the employer or company-level agreement?
- Collective nature of the scheme: how should the beneficiaries be determined?
- Mandatory nature of employee membership: tips and traps to be avoided when managing scheme costs
- Specificities linked to the benefits depending on the nature of the scheme: healthcare expenses, “extensive” death and disability benefits, supplementary pensions
- Insights provided by the Official Social Security Gazette
- Adjustment of Social Security additional assessments if the schemes are not collective and mandatory in nature
- Stock-take of the public’s trust published in March 2021
Face-to-face or remote courses can be provided
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 5/5
- Understand and ascertain the various challenges associated with employee savings;
- Learn the differences and points in common between optional incentives and mandatory profit-sharing, and the obligations to be met to ensure exclusion from the basis for social charges;
- Incorporate the specificities of employee savings mechanisms.
- Missions and organisation of the collections branch
- Some figures on collections
- Audit stakeholders: the collections authority, collections inspector and contributors
- Scope of the audit: contributions, period audited and statute of limitations, duration of the audit
- Overview of the audit and importance of respect for the right-to-reply principle at all stages of the procedure
- Understand the audit notice in order to identify the substantive formalities and mandatory information
- Implementation of the audit operations: documentary or field audit, access to the premises and to documents, interviews
- Notification of the audit results: observations letter and response by the audited entity
Case study: analysis of an observations letter
4. FROM AN AUDIT TO THE ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT- Service of a notice to pay: which avenues for appeal against the form of an audit or additional assessment?
- Referring the audit to the committee for non-contentious appeals
- Specific scenario of a settlement with the Social Security authorities
Case study: analysis of a notice to pay
Face-to-face and remote courses are offered
Fee: €400 + VAT per person (for a training session with a minimum of 5 participants).
Satisfaction score for this training: 4.5/5
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With the benefit of their practical experience, ærige lawyers can provide practical courses in the fields of employment law and civil service law. Our teams define with you the learning expectations of the participants and the level of expertise required. Training materials are produced specifically for each client and each session. The approach to teaching developed within ærige, which has earned the firm Qualiopi accreditation, means that training can be provided on various aspects of employment law at all levels of a company, to a broad range of trainees, including HR personnel, in-house counsels and executives.
Our training courses can be adapted to the specific needs of each participant, upon request.